Tuesday, June 17
11:10 AM - 03:10 PM
Live in Berlin
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The World Café session is designed to help you discuss with colleagues and peers similar issues and challenges that everyone is facing in the industry.
Not only will the conversation be moderated by an expert speaker, but the aim of the session is to find real solutions to real-world problems with the 5 rounds of this session. Share your knowledge during the World Café session and deepen your networking experience!
Based on the theory of the power of collective knowledge, participants are brought together to share challenges and jointly gain new perspectives and develop solutions. A medium-sized group of participants is allocated to the offered 5 World Café session tables. The host (moderator, possibly with co-moderator) of each round table welcomes the guests and briefly introduces controversies and challenging or project-related questions.
After 30 minutes, participants move to the next table based on the assigned order on their name badge to enter into a new discussion. At the beginning of each new World Café round, the moderator gives a short conclusion of previously discussed aspects and questions emerged. This offers the opportunity to build up on the discussion continuously. Be part of several thematic conversation rounds with changing topics and team constellations.