Solution Study
Monday, June 16
11:35 AM - 12:05 PM
Live in Berlin
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Sleep will become a killer use case of level 4 automated cars. On the other hand, falling asleep in level 3 needs to be avoided. In a multimodal sensing approach we detect sleeping and attention in cars, applying cameras and other sensors. The multimodal sensing feeds a generated user interface architecture (Fraunhofer GenUIn). GenUIn provides custom support not to fall asleep unvolutary, fall asleep comfortable and fast when allowed, wake you up reliably and personalized and GenUIn drives different modalities in the car, like air-conditioning and display illumination and content.
In this session, you will learn more about:
Scientist with expertise in Automotive Human Factors, User Centred AI, HMI and Driver States. Research, development and evaluation on UX, usability and acceptance. Federal applications for national and European research programmes. Project planning, project management and development of new competencies. He is a Machine-savvy driving simulator and researches what future assistance systems and displays in cars must look like so that they have a positive effect on our experience and behaviour. After all, you can never have enough fun with mobility in the future.