Since 2020, Prof. Remlinger has headed the newly founded chair of 'Interior Design Engineering'. It forms a new department of the Institute for Construction Technology and Technical Design (IKTD) at the University of Stuttgart. The research focus is on the user-friendly layout and technical design of vehicle interiors of all kinds and their components. The work is carried out holistically and takes into account all relevant requirements from the areas of technology, ergonomics and design. The research focuses on the topics of 'Integration and possible uses of new technologies in vehicle interiors', 'Innovative computer-aided and model-based design methods' and 'Interior design for highly automated and networked vehicles'. The chair is currently a partner in the BMVI-funded research project SAVe NoW.
4 | Lasting HMI Café
Tuesday, June 17
11:00 am - 03:00 pm
Live in Berlin
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Tuesday, June 17
03:30 pm - 04:05 pm
Live in Berlin
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Presenting the results of our World Cafés: The moderators summarize the key take-aways of their World Café Round Tables on the main stage and share the main findings with all attendees.