
Wolfgang Waxenberger

Experience Creator, Co-Founder, ReSight Global

Wolfgang Waxenberger has worked in UX for more than 20 years, most of the time in a leadership role in several UX teams and companies. While his main role is in management, his love is automotive UX research. Wolfgang is a co-founder of uintent GmbH, a UX and human factors research agency, and ReSight Global, an organization of UX and human factors agencies from around the world.


ReSight Global

ReSight Global is a family of curious researchers helping you deliver outstanding experiences to your customers. Our UX and human factors research agencies in North America, Europe, and Asia, as well as our partners in over 40 countries offer a broad set of tools and methods, seamlessly extending your reach to understand users across borders, and reduce the challenges often associated with global user research. We also maintain an ISO-9001 certified quality system to ensure excellence in service delivery across all locations. Learn more about our locations by visiting