Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Steffen Leonhardt is a distinguished figure in the fields of engineering, medicine, and information technology, renowned for his multidisciplinary expertise and significant contributions to the academic and industrial sectors. With a remarkable educational journey and a successful professional career spanning several decades, he has established himself as a prominent leader in his respective fields. His research interests include closed-loop control and automation in medicine, bioimpedance, unobtrusive sensing, and cyber medical systems.
From 1999 to 2003, he served as the R&D Manager at Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG in Lübeck, Germany, where his expertise played a pivotal role in advancing medical technology and patient care. Since 2003, Dr. Leonhardt has held the prestigious position of the Philips-endowed Chair of Medical Information Technology at the Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. In this capacity, he continues to shape the future of medical technology, furthering the boundaries of innovation and fostering the development of groundbreaking solutions in the field of healthcare.
Case Study
Tuesday, June 17
09:25 am - 09:50 am
Live in Berlin
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Unobtrusive monitoring techniques can be used to monitor some of the human vital signs (i.e. heart activity, breathing activity, temperature, and potentially oxygen saturation) in a car seat. Many of these techniques measure mechanical displacement, either on the body surface and/or inside the body. However, unobtrusive sensing modalities are also fragile and at risk of being contaminated by disturbances (like motion, rapidly changing environmental conditions, and triboelectricity).
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